For Immediate Release: 03/04/21
Governor Greg Abbott Issues Hold Harmless

Contact: Cameron Vickrey
Pastors for Texas Children
FORT WORTH (March 4, 2021) Governor Greg Abbott issued a "hold harmless" decision on our children's public education this afternoon. See his statement here.
We applaud Gov. Abbott for listening to teachers, parents, pastors, and community leaders in this important decision. We hope it sets a new direction for enthusiastic and unqualified public education support in our great state.
Just on the heels of the governor's decision earlier this week to end the mask mandate, today's announcement includes the following statements about COVID-19 safety protocols in our schools:
"...School districts are widely employing a range of measures including masks, screening practices, improvements in ventilation, the use of rapid COVID-19 tests, and improved hygiene procedures. Additionally, all Texas teachers and school staff are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Texas."
Governor Abbott's decision to fund our schools and to vaccinate our teachers is in large part due to the persistent advocacy of YOU, our faith leaders across Texas. You knew these were crucial decisions that could affect your communities. You signed petitions, sent emails, shared information, made phone calls. You made the difference.
Thank you, Pastors for Texas Children! There is still so much work to do. But today, rest in the knowledge that your work is not futile, and together, we can make positive change.
About: Pastors for Texas Children mobilizes faith leaders and faith communities for public education support and advocacy.