Now that a voucher bill has passed the Texas Senate, it is clear to us that now is the time for a bold public statement speaking out against the corruption of private school vouchers. We humbly ask that you add your name to the statement below. Thank you for your prophetic courage, and God bless and keep you and your ministry.
Calling All Faith Leaders!

PTC helps build relationships between faith communities and neighborhood schools. PTC teaches our faith leaders how to serve the schools through tutoring, appreciation events or other acts of service deemed valuable by the school leaders. PTC also teaches our faith leaders how they can effectively advocate for public schools at the local and state levels.
Whether the legislature is in session or not, it's always a good time to connect with local and state officials. PTC builds those relationships throughout the legislative session by conducting numerous meetings and introduces faith and education leaders to these officials. PTC can aid in sending emails, making phone calls, or in-person visits, and communicate why public education matters to us all!
PTC’s communications share what is happening in the news with regards to public education. Our PTC supporters are consistently made aware of events happening throughout local communities in Texas, the good and the not so good. At the beginning of the school year we send daily prayers for our schools and show appreciation to our teachers by offering prayer and thanks during appreciation weeks. PTC also submits opinion pieces to newspapers and encourages pastors and faith leaders to do the same. Check our blog.
Pastors for Texas Children is a ministry that serves Texas’ neighborhood public schools through prayer, service, and advocacy. We support our schools by initiating school assistance programs with local congregations, promoting social justice for children, and advancing legislation that puts the needs of Texas children, families, and communities first.

“Pastors and faith leaders of all denominations are joining PTC to support the quality education of all Texas children. Our purpose is to spark a strong, grassroots movement committed to standing up for our children, families and Texas communities.”